Bugout Bag Guide

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

What is a bugout bag? How do I decide if I need one? How do I decide whether or not I need to bug out? These are more questions will be answered in this resource.

The details..

"Mike's Bugout Bag FAQ" by Mike S. Medintz is an essential guide for anyone looking to prepare themselves in the event of an emergency or disaster. The book provides practical advice on how to create and pack your own bugout bag with all the necessary supplies you'll need should you be forced out of your home due to unforeseen circumstances.

The author emphasizes that everyone needs a bugout bag as no one lives in utopia without any severe weather, crime, riots, terrorism or natural disasters like hurricanes or wildfires. It can save your life if you have everything ready at hand during such situations. The book also offers guidance on deciding whether or not evacuation is necessary based upon individual circumstances including threat level, destination planning and route selection.

One of the most important aspects covered in this book is food supply which must consist of 2000 calories per day along with 60 grams protein biased heavily towards starches but extra fats are recommended during winters. Canned foods that can be eaten cold or reheated are also suggested as they require minimal cooking supplies (stoves/firewood/gas). Additionally, caffeine addicts may suffer from deprivation so carrying coffee/tea bags could help them stay alert even under stressful conditions.

In conclusion,"Mike's Bug Out Bag FAQ" serves as both a comprehensive introduction for those new to survivalism concepts while still offering valuable insights into more advanced topics related specifically around bugging out.

Resource Info

Page count: 9
Size: 23kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills